The Brain Health ARC can offer support towards research projects or other activities that may lead to larger grants or fellowships. Possible applications may be around PPIE work, pilot experiments, stake-holder meetings, writing retreats, data analysis or any other work that can inform a larger funding application.
Our budget is limited and while we will consider any application submitted, we are unlikely to be able to support projects requiring substantial funding. The anticipation is that most funding will be around £1K to £3K maximum. For projects requiring more support, we hope to announce other funding calls with partners later in the year.
Applications will be reviewed by members of the Brain Health ARC executive. If we receive more applications than our budget can support, then we will rank the applications.
We will prioritise applications that form new collaborations, support people who are new to brain health research, and consider diversity and inclusion issues. We are especially interested in applications that are aligned with the themes of our research meetings.
We ask that successful applicants submit a short end of project report, detailing how the support was used and the progress towards a larger grant application.
Applications for funding opened in Spring 2024. There is currently no deadline, but the funding panel will meet quarterly, so there may be a delay between submitting a request and receiving a final opinion.
To apply, please complete a copy of the application form.
Our budget is limited and while we will consider any application submitted, we are unlikely to be able to support projects requiring substantial funding. The anticipation is that most funding will be around £1K to £3K maximum. For projects requiring more support, we hope to announce other funding calls with partners later in the year.
Applications will be reviewed by members of the Brain Health ARC executive. If we receive more applications than our budget can support, then we will rank the applications.
We will prioritise applications that form new collaborations, support people who are new to brain health research, and consider diversity and inclusion issues. We are especially interested in applications that are aligned with the themes of our research meetings.
We ask that successful applicants submit a short end of project report, detailing how the support was used and the progress towards a larger grant application.
Applications for funding opened in Spring 2024. There is currently no deadline, but the funding panel will meet quarterly, so there may be a delay between submitting a request and receiving a final opinion.
To apply, please complete a copy of the application form.